Русское сообщество разработки на PHP-фреймворке Laravel.
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Нам сделали сайт drukmash com. Мне нужно убрать счетчики с главной страницы и поменять список товаров. Не подскажите, где искать скрипты счетчиков, чтоб их удалить и товары отображаемые на главной. В каком файле это менять?
Я в html уменю работать, а с laravel столкнулась впервые
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To remove the counters from the main page of your Laravel website and change the list of products, you need to locate and remove the counter scripts and update the files responsible for displaying the products. First, check your composer.json file for any packages related to counters and remove them using the composer remove package-name command. Next, look for custom counter scripts in the resources/js or resources/views directories and remove or comment out the relevant code. For changing the list of products, open the ProductController (or a similar controller) and locate the method responsible for fetching and displaying the products. Then, update the corresponding view file, such as resources/views/products/index.blade.php, to change how the products are displayed. If you're making changes to the database structure, don't forget to run migrations using the php artisan migrate command. Does this help clarify things? Let me know if you need more specific guidance!
Hope this helps!
Best regards,
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