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#1 26.08.2024 09:30:15

MMOEXP: underscored by its direct impact on a character's combat eff

In the vast and intricate world of Throne and Liberty, crafting stands as a cornerstone of character progression. Crafting and upgrading gear are not merely optional activities but serve as the primary means of advancing in the game. In

this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the importance of crafting, the crafting process itself, and the key components that make up the intricate crafting system in Throne and Liberty.

The Significance of Crafting in Throne and Liberty:

Crafting plays a pivotal role in the progression of characters within Throne and Liberty. It goes beyond a mere side activity, serving as the primary avenue for obtaining and enhancing armor and weapons. The importance of crafting is

underscored by its direct impact on a character's combat effectiveness, survivability, and overall performance in the game.

Character Progression:

Crafting is intricately woven into the fabric of character progression. As players level up, crafting becomes a vital means of acquiring gear suitable for their current level.

Armor and Weapon Crafting:

Players can craft a variety of armor and weapons based on their level and the materials available. The crafting menu allows for the selection of specific items, such as armor or weapons, and the creation process involves using the

appropriate materials.

Material Gathering:

Crafting materials can be obtained through gathering, drops from monsters, or rewards from challenging encounters. This adds an exploratory and adventurous element to the crafting process.

Armor Weight-Class System:

Throne and Liberty employs an armor weight-class system, offering Light, Medium, and Heavy Armor options. Each weight class comes with distinct traits, such as increased mana pool or resistances. Crafting allows players to tailor their

gear choices to suit their preferred playstyle.

Crafting Process:

To initiate crafting, players need to visit the Armor Crafter Blacksmith in the nearest town. The crafting menu provides a straightforward interface where players can choose the specific armor or weapon they wish to create, ensuring they

have the required materials, and proceed with the crafting process.

The Crafting Menu:

Armor and Weapon Selection:

Players can select the type of armor or weapon they want to craft from the available options in the menu. Choices range from helmets and chestplates to various types of weapons.

Material Check:

Before crafting, it's essential to ensure that you have the necessary materials. Common crafting materials include refined metals, powders, ores, and scrolls. These materials can be acquired through gathering, monster drops, or boss


Armor Weight-Class System:

Consider the armor weight-class system when selecting the type of armor to craft. Each weight class comes with its own set of traits and benefits, allowing players to customize their character's strengths and weaknesses.

Crafting Execution:

Once the desired armor or weapon and the necessary materials are selected, players can proceed with the crafting process. Crafting is a straightforward action, but its impact on character progression is profound.

Costly Parchment and Crystals:

Central Crafting Material:

The crafting process revolves around a central material that resembles parchment. As of now, obtaining these items involves purchasing them from other players or collecting them as drops from boss monsters.

Uncertainty Surrounding Parchment:

While the exact method of obtaining parchment is not explicitly known, its scarcity and importance make it a sought-after commodity. Players are encouraged to explore various sources and collaborate with others to acquire this central

crafting material.

Other Crafting Vendors:

Diverse Crafting Options:

Throne and Liberty feature several crafting vendors, each specializing in different gear types. These vendors include Accessories Crafter, Scroll Crafter, Sundries Crafter, and Weapon Crafter.

Quality of Crafted Items:

It's noteworthy that crafting vendors in standard towns and cities can craft gear ranging from Uncommon to Rare quality. In Stonegard Castle, the Senior Crafter possesses the ability to craft items of Uncommon to Epic quality, offering a

broader range of options for advanced players.


In the ever-evolving world of Throne and Liberty, mastering the art of crafting is essential for those seeking to advance their characters and dominate the challenges that lie ahead. This comprehensive crafting guide serves as a valuable

resource, providing insights into the importance of crafting, the crafting process, and the key components that shape this intricate system. As you venture into the realms of crafting, may your creations be legendary, and your character

stand as a testament to the mastery of the crafting arts in Throne and Liberty.Remember to stay tuned to for all the latest news!

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